
08 May 2011

The most famous photographs, subjected to Photoshop

In these photos you will see world leaders, extraordinary events, politicians, models, and Osama bin Laden. 

1. Left - broadcast over the Internet 2 May 2011 image of what the Pakistani television described as a "bloodied face of Osama bin Laden" after representatives of the United States said that he was killed. On the right picture archiving leader of al-Qaeda, from which it had concocted a fake. Very noticeable that the beard and the lower part of the picture was probably copied and pasted into the picture of the dead body, which does not belong to bin Laden. Bin Laden was killed during the operation of American troops in the suburbs of Abbottabad, 50 km (30 miles) northwest of the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, was announced May 2, 2011.

2. Sudanese sympathetic to bin Laden holding a local newspaper, which posted photos of the so-called the slain leader of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden, while they gathered for prayer, May 3, 2011 in Khartoum. Prayers will be held in memory of bin Laden, who was shot during a raid by U.S. troops in a house near the Pakistani capital of Islamabad, which marked the finale more than a decade of persecution ideological inspires and organizer of the Sept. 11 attacks.

3. September 2000: In order to illustrate the rights of minorities, the University of Wisconsin at Madison edited photo on the cover of the promotional brochure, insert an image of African-American student into a crowd of white football fans. The original photo was taken in 1993. Photo black student Diallo Shabazz was made in 1994. The University stated that this measure was due to the fact that they are integrally summer trying to find a suitable photo, but could not.

4. 1950: It is believed that this fake picture helped defeat in the election of Senator Millard Tydings in 1950. Photo of the Tydings (right), converses with Earl Browder (left), leader of the American Communist Party, was to testify Tydings sympathies to the Communists.

5. Shortly after Sept. 11 that photo spread on the internet. It was stated that a picture taken with that found among the debris on the ground attack. Photo has been voted the best at Photoshop contest devoted to terrorist attack.

6. April 2007: The New York Times published this photograph has been digitally altered. Editor of the newspaper was told that the picture was subjected to treatment, because it was not done by professional photographer from the train window, which led to noticeable outbreaks, and part of the photo was illuminated. The piquancy of the situation is that the policy of the newspaper prohibits any manipulation of photographs. These pictures just do not have the right to be published.

7. Around 1930. Stalin methodically cleaned with pictures of people disliked him, as seen in these two photos.

8. June 1994: This picture has undergone processing Jay Simpson appeared on the cover of Time magazine shortly after Simpson's arrest for murder. Original photograph taken in a police station, was on the cover of the magazine Newsweek. Time magazine was subsequently accused of manipulating a photograph to Simpson on it seemed ominous and threatening.

9. January 2003: This cover of GQ magazine placed the photograph of thinner actress Kate Winslet. Winslet says that editing the photo was excessive. I do not look like that, and more importantly, I do not want to look like. They forced me to lose about a third, said Winslet.

10. February 1982: On the cover of National Geographic, dedicated to the legend of Egypt, the Great Pyramids at Giza, were compressed to fit the vertical format of the magazine. Tom Kennedy, who became chief photographer for National Geographic, said that "We no longer use this technology for the correction of the elements in the photo. We realized that it was a mistake, and we would not repeat that mistake today."

11. July 2007: This cover of Redbook magazine shows a strong retouched and the emaciated singer and actress Faith Hill. Redbook magazine has been accused of editing the photos. In response, the editor in chief of Redbook Stacy Morrison said, "Editing the photo, which we did for the cover of Redbook in July, is fully consistent with industry standards."

12. 1942: To look more heroic, Benito Mussolini ordered removed from the original photo the coach, holding a horse by the reins.

13. November 2007: A Study Dario Sacchi, Franca Agnoli and Elizabeth Loftus, published in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology, shows that people's memories of events can be changed by viewing the edited photos. For example, viewing the edited picture the events of 1989 in Tiananmen Square, protesters recalled the events as more extensive and more severe (on the edited photo added to the image of the crowd).

14. December 1997: This has undergone processing photos Kenny and Bobby McCoy appeared on the cover of the magazine Newsweek soon after Bobby's birth. This photo was taken from the original, which appeared unchanged on the cover of Time magazine. Newsweek edit photos to make your teeth Bobby Bole straight, and the magazine has been accused of trying to make it more attractive.

15. March 2005: This photograph of the head of Martha Stewart fastened to the body model, appeared on the cover of the magazine Newsweek, says Stewart released from prison thinner, wealthier and ready to win, as stated in the title. Newsweek reveals the source of cover photo on page three of the following: Photograph of the head did Marc Bryan-Brown.

16. April 2004: This picture, which was widely circulated on the Internet, captured the soldier, U.S. Marine Corps poses for a photo with two Iraqi children, who hold a sign with the words Lieutenant Bodrok killed my father and raped my sister. Bodrok argues that the picture was edited and the original inscription reads: "Welcome to the Marines." The investigation was unsuccessful. It remains unclear whether the photo is genuine.

17. September 1976: The so-called "gang of four" has been removed from this photo of the memorial ceremony of Mao Zedong in Tiananmen Square.

18. March 2004: This political anti-advertising, George Bush, while he ran for president, has been edited by "removal" of Bush from the podium and paste instead of several soldiers. After finding out that the photo had been tampered with, it was announced that the photo will be put in order, and again sent to the media.

19. 1936: In this picture of Mao Zedong (first from right), ordered to remove from an image by Ky (first left), after it fell out of favor.

20. Around 1860: Iconic portrait of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln is a combination of Lincoln's head and body politics Southerners John Calhoun. Note that the first pictures were created in 1826, and the company Eastman Dry Plate Company (later became known as the Eastman Kodak) was created in 1881.

21. January 2008: The Taiwanese newspaper Liberty Times published this photograph of the meeting with the Pope representatives Franz Collection. On the original photograph attended Wang Shaw-lan, the publisher of the rival newspaper United Daily News, which was removed during editing. Liberty Times reporter said she had removed the van, because its presence is not essential and to compress photos for a better display.

22. April 2003: This picture was a British soldier in Basra, calling for Iraqi civilians to seek shelter, appeared on the front page Los Angeles Times shortly after the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Brian Walski, staff photographer for the Los Angeles Times and a 30-year veteran of the news business, was fired after the discovery that the picture was edited and created from two images to improve the composition.

23. February 2004: This photograph of Senator John Kerry and Jane Fonda at a podium during an anti-war rally, appeared in 2004 during the primaries, when Senator Kerry announced his candidacy for the presidency of the Democratic Party. Photo of Senator Kerry's photo was taken by Ken Light at the time, as Kerry was preparing to deliver a speech at the demonstration Register for Peace Rally in Mineola, New York, in June 1971. Jane Fonda picture was taken by Owen Franken while the Fund has performed at a political rally in Miami Beach, Fla., in August 1972.

24. May 1970: This photo, Pulitzer Prize winner, made by photographer John Filo, photographed sobbing Mary Ann Vecchio, while she was kneeling over the body of student Jeffrey Miller at Kent State University, where National Guardsmen fired into a crowd of demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine people. On the original photos directly behind Vecchio is a fence that was removed in the published version.

25. July 2008. Picture on the cover of New York Times, Los Angeles Times, BBC News, Chicago Tribune and other newspapers and magazines in Iran captured the shooting. Photography was provided by Iranian media. Following the publication was that the second right tool - a clone of several parts of the image, which is inserted to cover a photograph of another instrument that is not fired.

26. November 2005. This photo of illustrator Clement Hardy appeared in the new edition of the book "Goodnight Moon", the classic children's book authorship Margaret Wise Brown, illustrator of which was made by Hurd. Publisher HarperCollins has changed the original photo, removed cigarette from the hand of Hardy, ostensibly so as not to promote smoking among the younger generation. Before the picture with a cigarette appeared in previous editions of the book for at least twenty years.

27. 1937: On this edited photo, Joseph Goebbels (second from right) removed from the original on the orders of Adolf Hitler's. It remains unclear why Goebbels fell out of favor with Hitler.

28. Two edited photos.

29. May 2007: At the IMAX 3D cinema advertising the latest film in the Harry Potter series, a bust of actress Emma Watson is significantly increased. In conventional theaters picture remained unchanged. The company Warner Brothers issued a statement which says: "This is not an official poster. Unfortunately, this poster was accidentally posted at IMAX. The error was promptly corrected and the images captured".

30. January 2008: This cover of pop star Britney Spears gave her head a body of unknown model. 

31. April 2005: This photo shows a forged British politicians Ed Matts, the Conservative candidate for Dorset South, and Ann Widdecombe, conservative candidate for Maidstone and the Weald, holding placards on which the inscription "Controlled immigration - not chaos and inhumanity". This photo appeared in the election campaign Matts. On the original photo policy advocate for ensuring that the UK was allowed to stay refugee family of seven people. Widdecombe said can subscribe to any of these slogans.

32. September 2006: Photo leading CBS News Katie Couric has been changed: making thinner waist and face. This photo appeared in the journal CBS Watch! Representative CBS, Jill Schwartz, said that an edited picture - a consequence that is responsible for processing images worker a few overdone. "We discussed everything, I think, is to continue to happen again."

33. October 2005: This is a retouched photo Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice came close with news of Rice's comments regarding U.S. troops in Iraq. After receiving complaints from readers, this picture has been removed from the site of USA Today, and there was comment editor and the original photo. Photos published online are usually edited: changing the size, brightness and sharpness to optimize their appearance. In this case, after adjusting the brightness of the photo, editor of the overdone and gave her eyes an unnatural appearance. This led to a distortion of the original not in keeping with our editorial standards.

34. 1968: When the summer of 1968, Fidel Castro (right) endorses the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia, Carlos Francs (center) breaks relations with the regime and sent into exile in Italy. His image was removed from the photographs.

35. September 1971: West German Chancellor Willy Brandt (left) met with Leonid Brezhnev (right), first secretary of the Communist Party. According to media reports, the atmosphere was friendly and cordial. The German press published a photo on which the table are bottles of champagne.

36. Around 1865: This photograph of the famous photographer Mathew Brady, General Sherman captured in the circle of his associates. The Secretary-General Francis P. Blair (right) was added to the original photo.

37. In American web logs appeared Photo Agency "Reuters", which depicted a cloud of smoke over the destroyed buildings in Beirut after the attack on the Libyan capital, the Air Force. Bloggers have accused the agency "Reuters" in editing pictures, namely an increase in deliberate damage and smoke. In the photo two very thick column of black smoke are rising over buildings in Beirut after Air Force attack on the Lebanese capital. After this photo was removed from the site of the agency "Reuters", and there was a message to the recognition that the image was edited, and an apology from the editors.

38. January 2003: on the original album cover Abbey Road The Beatles Paul McCartney, the third-order, was pictured holding a cigarette in his hand. Publishers of the United States have changed the picture, resulting in an image, in which a cigarette in hand, McCartney was absent. This change did not give permission either McCartney or the representative of Apple Records, which owns the rights to the photo. We never gave any agreement on anything like that, said a representative of Apple Records. "It seems that correcting this album cover, the publishers of several carried away. They should not have done what they did, but there is not much change, so we can fix it.